News from Les Goélands campsite

Sustainable development

Les Goélands campsite and park eco-gesture

Everyone can take action on a daily basis to reduce their impact on the planet, even when on holiday at Les Goélands campsite
Action of the campsite in terms of sustainable development
9 eco-responsible actions you can take during your stay at Les Goélands campsite:
I turn off my power strip at the end of the day
I unplug unnecessary chargers
I sort waste and recycle it
I turn off the light when I leave a room
I use the air conditioning and heating sparingly and turn it down when I leave.
I don't run the water unnecessarily
I stop the water when I wash my buts or during the shower to soap myself
I use a glass for brushing my teeth
I completely fill the washing machine and the dishwasher before using it
Camping les Goëlands à Ambon (56)